Ken Levine
Executive Coach

My Pillars

Coaching for YOU!


Chart YOUR path

Lead YOUR life


My favorite thing about Ken’s coaching style is his natural ability to make me feel comfortable being vulnerable and really allowing me to dig deeper to make me a better leader. He coaches with empathy, humor and bluntness when needed. Loved my time with Ken. It was truly invaluable!

Nicole Fleetwood - Lead Specialist Field Sales Operations, Altria

Job title

Ken has an innate ability, almost a sixth sense of sorts, to figure out what is going on in my subconscious and bring it to the forefront so that I have more clarity and can formulate an appropriate plan of action. I can’t tell you how many times during my coaching with Ken that I’ve had epiphanic moments. He knows which questions to ask to really get me to dig down deep and realize that I had the solution to the problem the whole time, but Ken just helped bring it to the surface. I can’t speak highly enough about Ken – he’s an excellent person and a very gifted professional coach. 

Geoff Borger - Director, Claims, Nationwide E&S/Specialty

Job title

Ken’s coaching style is refreshing and insightful. It’s very clear he has the knowledge and experience to provide perspective and sound advice in each coaching session. While his feedback is both challenging and rewarding, his honest and candid approach allow for comfortable conversations. Working with Ken is a truly enjoyable and enriching experience.

Crissy Seals, - Risk Solutions Executive
NW Private Client

Job title

I met Ken at a turning point in my career. I had taken on leadership responsibilities but didn’t know the right way to lead. Ken helped me ask the right questions. And he has a wealth of experience to draw upon – experience tinkering, testing, and success. I appreciated that he provided guidance and advice based on his experience. But more so, I value that Ken personalized his advice to me, based on what he knew about me. He helped me steer my career towards who I am and what I enjoy… rather than what I thought I should do.

Trent Downey
Senior Consultant, Retail Solutions

Job title