About Coaching

Coaching is a facilitative and collaborative process to help maximize your opportunities and overcome challenges in your career in your personal life.

In our work together, I will:

Ask you many questions. In addition to helping me learn more about you and your situation, my questions are intended to help you gain a better and clearer understanding of yourself, your circumstances, your options, and your plan.

Operate from a respectful belief that no one knows more about what works for you than YOU. We will leverage “Appreciative Inquiry” – an exploration of solutions that have worked for you in the past to see if those might be applicable in your current situation.

Tailor our work to meet you where you are at today and to help you achieve your goals in the future. I do not utilize one-size-fits-all solutions or tools.

Challenge you to be honest with yourself, and accountable to your commitments.

Encourage you to bring a curious, non-judgmental mindset about yourself.

Treat our conversations as completely confidential.

Keep us focused on your goals, so that we use our time together wisely and effectively. It’s ok for goals to change over time – that often happens. If so, we will acknowledge the change and adjust our work together to respond to your updated goals.

What you will need to bring to our coaching work:

An issue/problem/opportunity that you are willing to work towards solving.

Honesty, with yourself and with me.

Commitment to working towards your goals, including “homework” you agree to take on

Trust in the coaching process.